Sacramental Program
Sacramental Program
The sacramental life of the children at St. Helena Catholic School is an important component of the religion program in the Catholic tradition. Preparations for two sacraments, Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist, form the core of instruction beginning in Second Grade. In accordance with the diocesan guidelines, candidates for First Holy Eucharist will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation prior to First Holy Eucharist. St. Helena Catholic School celebrates First Holy Eucharist each year and is typically during Third Grade. Parents are required to be active partners in their children's preparation for these sacraments. Reconciliation and Eucharist are only offered to students baptized in the Roman Catholic faith. Families interested in "enrolling" their students in the program must provide a Baptismal Certificate to the school office. Registration and classes begin every school year in August.



First Holy Communion
Sacramental Preparation Registration
Sacramental Preparation Registration
Registration and classes begin every school year in August.
Sacrament of Baptism
The Rite of Baptism is held once a month during mass at St. Helena Parish. Please call the Parish Office for pre-baptismal class dates at 575-392-7551. St, Helena honors certificates of attendance from classes attended at other parishes. Requirements listed below, need to be completed on week before the Baptismal sacrament is received.
- Child must be 7 years old or younger.
- State issued birth certificate of the child.
- Parents or godparents must attend pre-baptismal classes or retreat.
- At least one of the parents must be Catholic and interviewed.
- The godparents must have received the sacraments of baptism, first communion, confirmation, and, if living together, the sacrament of matrimony (written certificates must be submitted to the parish office a week before the date of the sacrament).
Sacramento del Bautismo
El Rito del Bautismo se lleva a cabo una vez al mes durante la Misa en la Parroquia de St. Helena. Llame a la oficina parroquial para conocer las fechas de las clases prebautismales, 575-392-7551. St. Helena honra el certificado de asistencia de las que asistio en otras parroquias. Los requisitos, enumerados a continuacion, deben completarse una semana antes de recibir el sacramento bautismal.
- El niño debe tener 7 anos o menos.
- Acta de naci​miento del niño emitida por el estado.
- Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a clases pre-bautismales o retiro.
- Al menos uno de los padres debe ser catolico y entrevistado.
- Los padrinos deben haber recibido los sacramentos de bautismo, primera comunion, confirmacion y, si viven juntos, el sacramento del matrimonio (los certficados escritos deben presentarse en la oficina parroquial una semana antes de la fecha del sacramento).
If your family is just entering the Catholic Church, are returning after time away , or have decided as a family to delay the children's sacramental preparation, or any other circumstance, all are welcome.
Similar to RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is a program for children between the ages of 7 to 14 who have not been baptized. RCIC is open for those who are in need of preparation for the Sacraments and for reception into the Roman Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. This is a three year program.
Each student enrolling in RCIC classes MUST:
- Be at least 7 years of age, with full willingness to continue learning about the Catholic Faith throughout life.
- You must provide a copy of your birth certificate to be able to be registered.